What a weekend!
I and everyone at Bad Bug have been very pleased, and quite frankly surprised, by how Rayna has been performing on Kickstarter. We are only on our 6th day and we’re already 80% funded. The consistent growth of the following is what I am eagerly keeping my eyes on. While many of you on the mailing list have come out in support of the newest Skeletal Press project, the majority of backers for Rayna have been brand new to us.
That’s incredible for TWO reasons.
That means our fanbase is growing, which means we’re that much closer to taking over the world! THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHA!
The more support we receive for this campaign means the more Rayna content we can produce. Every little bit we overfund goes right into the production of new Rayna comics and rewards for you.
We here at Bad Bug have batted around a few wishful thinking numbers for our end goal but we don’t want to jinx it. I will tell you all my I HOPE WE HIT THIS NUMBER once the campaign is over. I can you though that my bigger goal is to hit 500 backers for this campaign! Wouldn’t that be something? (So SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!)
And now for something you’ll really like!
Not only did I have the opportunity to collaborate with one of my favorite storytellers, 30 Days of Night & Squidder creator Ben Templesmith, but he’s been kind enough to give us a sneak peek at his process for our Rayna: The Bastard Queen #1 cover. If you’re a process junkie like me then this is GOLD to you. If you dig the cover, you can get it HERE right now: RAYNA #1 Kickstarter!
What’s To Come.
While Rayna is taking up a lot of my time throughout the month of March, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been nose to the grindstone on several other comic projects and web-based content for you all. Here’s a little bit of what I have cookin’ in the kitchen.
The Rayna: The Bastard Queen #2 script has been sent to Stan and he’s tearing into it as we speak. Issue #3 is heading off to my wonderful editor very soon. Our goal is to give ALL Kickstarter backers from the current campaign a sneak peek at issue #2 once this campaign ends. :)
I’m getting close to releasing my (Substack exclusive) Skeletal Press Podcast very soon. I have a couple in the can already but I want to make sure I give myself enough of a head start to release each episode consistently.
The biggest news I have is the announcement of a NEW comic book project that will be EXCLUSIVE to this Substack coming next month! It will be unlike anything else I’ve produced before and you’ll get to see it come to life HERE! More on this later. ;)
And lastly, I’ll be posting a FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section here on the old SKULLSTACK (still working on that name) to answer any and all burning questions you have pertaining to me and all things Skeletal Press!
I know you can’t wait and neither can I!
This year is already shaping up to be my biggest year yet as a comic creator. There are big things on the horizon for ya boy and I can’t wait to share them with you all!
Til next time.