What’s up, everyone? I wanted to take the time to share an AMAZING project from my good friends at Unlikely Heroes Studios. If you’re a D&D person then this is the project for you!
“The Sundering presents possibly the highest profile Black-owned offering in the unofficial 5E DnD space. Starting at ~128 pages and expandable to 200+ with stretch goals, The Sundering offers something really special for every player and GM, with a diverse pantheon of gods, including Oya from the Orisha and Set from the Kemetic pantheon. The Nation itself is ruled by a trio of women of color, and the highest lawman of the campaign's main town and his dockmaster husband enjoy a world where everyone has a place at the table. Character origins will be up to date with the newest changes, as well!”
Get your copy of The Sundering HERE: The Sundering Pre-Order
“It’s the last 48 HOURS for The Sundering!
We've unlocked NINE amazing stretch goals and are aiming to get to the heckin' big next one, at 50k: The Sundering converted to Roll20 Virtual Tabletop! We would love to be able to offer this option to you all, and for more of our TTRPGs in the future!!
Pledge now to get it before time runs out, and pledge to get all of our campaign exclusive rewards (collector's box, shirts, and more!) Thank you all so much for your support!"
Last Chance to Pledge!
Make sure you check out Unlikely Heroes Studios. And tell ‘em Ryan said ‘SUP.