Hey all, guess who’s back with more comic-centric nonsense for that ass! (Me….it’s me)
It’s 3:30 am and I’m already caffeinated up and ready to rock! I’m staring down the barrel of a 33 hour day but them’s the breaks I guess. So, let’s get this newsletter started, shall we?
First things first…
As part of the Rayna: The Bastard Queen #1 Kickstarter campaign, (which you can check out here: RAYNA #1 Pre-Order!) we are including a brand new, fully illustrated Rayna short story called Rayna: The Serpent written by myself with art by the incredibly talented Zoran Jovicic & DC Alonso.
This short story takes place before the events of The Bastard Queen so there’s no worry of spoilers. I plan to do many more of these short stories in the future. They’re a great way to flesh out Rayna and her world aside from the main comic. You can check out the first inked page from Rayna: The Serpent below.
I hate to keep you in the dark about upcoming projects but I’m very big on not revealing news until it’s concrete! I’ve had several big projects and deals happen only to fall apart later in development. I hate being THAT guy who stands there with egg on his face ( I prefer nachos) so I keep things close to the vest.
That being said, I did want to give you all a quick look into things I do have cooking up this year SO FAR. Enjoy the vagueness y’all!
APRIL 2022 - I announce my brand new comic project. It is Substack Exclusive. More on that soon.
May 2022 - Rayna: The Bastard Queen #1 starts arriving to backers.
May 2022- Rayna: The Bastard Queen #2 reveal and Kickstarter details.
Production on my new one-shot horror comic project begins. (Very exciting) PLOTTED!
A rejected comic pitch from last year is being retooled into a stand-alone novel project. This story is dark and gritty and is also my first time writing a full-length prose story. I will most likely be going dark for a while to get the first draft knocked out.
A sci-fi/horror/action-adventure comic series about a group of monster hunters. This series is VERY AMBITIOUS and by far the biggest idea I’ve created in comics so far. This 12 issue series is completely plotted and scripting begins this summer with concept art to follow.
My biggest goal this year is to get my cyberpunk detective movie script finished and shopped to studios. The script is a 110-page anime-style project about a tortured detective who returns to the force to help hunt down a psychotic serial killer. This script is completely plotted and ready for the first draft. I am VERY excited about this project!
My first BAD BUG project is currently in pre-production and should ramp up here very quickly. You are NOT prepared for this craziness. Haha.
A 3 issue buddy cop action/comedy comic miniseries. PLOTTED!
A 12 issue medieval horror/fantasy comic series.
The next arc for Rumble Kings is just waiting to be released on you all! PLOTTED!
A new apocalyptic sci-fi/action mini-series. This one is plotted and just waiting for the right artist. Also, will probably be VERY expensive to produce. This one has to look JUST right. PLOTTED!
A licensed property that I have developed and BEEN APPROVED is currently awaiting a new artist. This project is VERY BIG for me. Hopefully, all goes well and I’ll be able to share this news with you soon. Fingers crossed.
As you can see, most of my projects are completely plotted. That’s the stage I like the most. Breaking the story and getting the issues and pages laid out. I can’t wait to share ALL of these projects with you soon.
One of my absolute favorite indie comic titles is THE SURGEON from Unlikely Heroes Studios. There aren’t many books that I’m jealous of or wished I’d have thought of first but this is up there. Check it out here: The Surgeon on Kickstarter and get yours before the campaign ends in 4 days!
The Surgeon is a post-apocalyptic samurai western. Set about 15 years after the world fell apart, a nomadic physician struggles to survive in a savage frontier of the poor and powerless, trying to balance her calling as a healer with the necessity of killing for survival. As a consequence, maybe she’s become more skilled with her saber than she is with a scalpel, and she’s trying to get out from under that reputation.
Doc has done everything she knows how to do to save Master Rogers’ life after his accidental poisoning. We’ll know by morning if she’s done enough. Meanwhile, in an effort to “do what the big guy would’ve done,” she goes to clear out the raiders’ camp.
There, she meets Chief Chuck Long ... who wants to have a word with her ... On the frontier, favors are currency. Promises are law. Without them, what have we got? What have we got to lash out and rebel against ...
... when word is bond and your oath was to DO NO HARM?
Check out these pages from The Surgeon #1-4.
Now, I’m going to make a Starbucks run (of course) and get back to work. I leave you with this little ditty to get your Monday started!
Talk to you soon.